o-nhiem-en – Puritrak https://puritrak.com Puritrak website Tue, 27 Feb 2024 02:28:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://puritrak.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/160/2020/10/cropped-Logo-Puritrak_RGB-1-300px-copy-32x32.png o-nhiem-en – Puritrak https://puritrak.com 32 32 Why do closed rooms still have dust? Tips to keep your house clean https://puritrak.com/en/why-do-closed-rooms-still-have-dust-tips-to-keep-your-house-clean/ https://puritrak.com/en/why-do-closed-rooms-still-have-dust-tips-to-keep-your-house-clean/#respond Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:12:50 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=3035 Why do closed rooms still have dust? Tips to keep your house clean
Why do closed rooms still have dust? Tips to keep your house clean

Why do closed rooms still have dust? This is likely a question that many people often wonder about. Why is it that our rooms are always closed but there is still dust in the house, even though we clean them regularly? Let’s join Puritrak to find out the causes and tips to help solve this question!

1. Why do closed rooms still have dust? What is the cause?

Dust in closed rooms is a common problem that many people face, no matter how hard they try to maintain cleanliness. Here are the common causes of dust in the room:

1.1. Dust from the body and clothes when returning from the street

When we go out, we come into contact with a lot of dust and bacteria. When returning home, these dust particles can stick to clothes, shoes and skin. When we move around the house, this dust will fall to the floor.

1.2. Fine dust from the environment flies into the house

Dirt from the outside environment flies in through windows and doors
Dirt from the outside environment flies in through windows and doors

Not only does dust stick to us, but fine dust and small particles also enter the house through windows, doors, or ventilation from air conditioning systems

1.3. Dust from clothes, curtains, carpets, pillows, blankets

You may not know, indoor fabrics also create a large amount of dust. Dust from silk fabrics, clothes, curtains, carpets, blankets, etc. Especially floor mats and doormats are soft fabric items that both produce dust and contain a lot of dust. much and most of it is very fine dust that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

1.4. Dust from electronic devices in the home

Another reason why closed rooms still have dust is dust from electronic devices in the house.

When these devices operate, static electricity will appear, easily attracting dust. In particular, air conditioners, air conditioners, and electric fans, when activated, will indirectly spread dust around, which is why air-conditioned rooms often have more dust than usual.

1.5. Dust from pets

Why do closed rooms still have dust? Dust from pets
Why do closed rooms still have dust? Dust from pets

Pets are also the cause of dust in your home. When running and jumping outside, dust particles will stick to your pet’s fur. When they move, dust and hair will spread throughout the room.

1.6. Dust from daily activities

Indoor dust comes not only from pets but also from people’s daily activities. Cooking activities, burning candles, beauty treatments, etc. are also causes of dust in the house.

2. Tips to keep your house clean

Maintaining cleanliness in the home is an important part of daily life to protect your health and create a comfortable living environment. Here are some specific tips to help you keep your house clean:

2.1. Use an air purifier

Use an air purifier to clean your home
Use an air purifier to clean your home

An air purifier is a useful tool to help keep your home clean. The machine uses a HEPA filter to help remove up to 99.97% of microscopic dust particles  are invisible to the naked eye. In addition to this function, the air purifier also has many other advantages such as the ability to kill bacteria, remove odors and unpleasant odors in the room, bringing a fresh and comfortable feeling. The benefits of the machine do not stop at cleaning, but it also helps protect the respiratory health of family members.

See more: Is Hospital Air Clean?

2.2. Clean with a vacuum cleaner

Using a broom, mop or traditional cleaning methods can only clean large sized dust. Sometimes sweeping also causes dust to fly up and sticF

2.3. Clean the house periodically

Clean the house periodically
Clean the house periodically

Regular cleaning is important to prevent dust buildup and protect your health.  a regular cleaning schedule for tasks such as sweeping, mopping floors, cleaning windows, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, and changing blankets and curtains. This will help you maintain a clean environment and avoid unnecessary dust accumulation.

2.4. Change into clean personal belongings before entering the house

An effective way to prevent dust from outside entering the house is to change into clean personal belongings before entering the house. Especially in winter or during dusty weather change your shoes and clothes outside the door before entering. Place a shoe shelf or box outside the door to keep the space inside cleaner.

See more: The placenta is seriously affected by air pollution

2.5. Minimize home furniture

Minimize home furniture
Minimize home furniture

Minimizing home furnishings can help minimize the accumulation of dust. Remove unnecessary furniture and maintain a space that is comfortable, clean, and easy to clean. Furniture that is simple and easy to clean will also help you maintain a cleaner environment.

Remember that maintaining cleanliness in your home is a continuous and regular process. By applying these tips, you can keep your home clean and comfortable. Above is the answer to the question Why do closed rooms still have dust?

If you need further support and information related to the air filtration system, please contact us using the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

Contact Info:

Hotline: 0904.800.006
Website: puritrak.com
Email: Info@puritrak.vn
Fanpage: Puritrak


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Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer? https://puritrak.com/en/why-is-the-air-more-polluted-in-winter-than-in-summer-2/ https://puritrak.com/en/why-is-the-air-more-polluted-in-winter-than-in-summer-2/#respond Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:00:38 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=3032 Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?
Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?

Many people mistakenly believe that winter will have less air pollution than summer, but the truth is the opposite. It is noticeable that in winter, the sky is often hazy, with a lingering mist around the ground. Or more simply, people with respiratory diseases often feel more uncomfortable when the season changes to winter. So why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer? Let’s join Puritrak to find the answer to the above question.

1. Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?

According to Dr. Hoang Duong, Chairman of the Vietnam Clean Air Network, one of the characteristics of air quality is that it is strongly affected by weather factors including factors such as wind, wind direction, temperature, humidity, rainfall and sunlight.

In summer, with high heat, lots of rain, lots of light, strong winds, pollutants quickly disperse, helping to lower dust concentrations in the air.

Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?
Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?

On the contrary, in winter, with low temperatures, less light, little rain, the northeast monsoon floods in, bringing pollutants from the North, making the air more polluted.

In particular, on days when temperature inversions occur, air quality is often severely polluted because pollutants cannot disperse. This phenomenon occurs when the higher you go, the higher the air temperature is (contrary to the usual rule that the higher you go, the lower the temperature). This temperature inversion layer is like a cap, preventing pollutants from spreading upward.

Therefore, pollutants are trapped in the air environment. This process increases the concentration of pollutants, heavily polluting the air environment.

Besides, in cold winter the use of thermal fuel for indoor heating is common. This fuel combustion process will produce toxic gases such as CO and dust particles, increasing air pollution.

Above are the main reasons why the air is more polluted in winter than in summer.

2. Solution to make the air in winter rooms cleaner?

Effective ways to clean indoor air
Effective ways to clean indoor air

Protecting indoor air quality is extremely important. Here are some solutions to help clean the air in the room:

2.1. Use an air purifier

Air purifiers are an effective solution for removing dust particles, bacteria, viruses, and allergens from room air. Choose an air purifier with a HEPA filter to ensure the ability to remove microscopic particles.

Airsen air purifier cleans every space in the room
Airsen air purifier cleans every space in the room

You can consider the Airsen air purifier line – a model that many customers trust and use. With the advantage of filtering fine dust up to 99.97%, it effectively deodorizes and kills bacteria.

See more: Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

2.2. Ventilate periodically

Make sure the home’s ventilation system is in good working order and is used periodically to bring fresh air into the room. This helps in removing airborne pollutants and improves air circulation.

2.3. Put green plants in the house

Place more plants in the room to clean the air
Place more plants in the room to clean the air

Use plants to clean the air and provide oxygen. Some plants such as snake plant, longleaf plant and cat’s tongue plant are known to have good air cleaning abilities.

2.4. Use chemicals safely

When using chemicals in your home, sure they do not contain toxic compounds and keep your workspace well-ventilated.

2.5. Reduce indoor dust and smoke

Limit smoking and open fires indoors
Limit smoking and open fires indoors

Avoid smoking and limit indoor combustion. Cigarette smoke and smoke from combustion are the main sources of indoor air pollution.

See more: Puritrak Airsen AS488 air purifier

2.6. Clean the house regularly

Keep working and living spaces clean by regularly cleaning and sanitizing. This helps prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt in the space.

2.7. Check and maintain cooling and heating systems

Puritrak's technical staff is periodically cleaning the air purifier filter for customers
Puritrak’s technical staff is periodically cleaning the air purifier filter for customers

Make sure that the cooling and heating system is in good working order and is regularly maintained to avoid the build-up of bacteria and fungi in the system.

Implementing the above solutions helps you maintain cleaner air in your room and protect the health of you and your family.

From the information provided above, we have found the answer to the question “Why is the air more polluted in winter than in summer?” To improve the air quality in the room, you can refer to the solutions above. Hopefully the information Puritrak shares will asisit you in protecting your beloved home.

If you need further support and information related to the air filtration system, please contact us using the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

Contact Info:

Hotline: 0904.800.006
Website: puritrak.com
Email: Info@puritrak.vn
Fanpage: Puritrak

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Harmful effects of air pollution on young children https://puritrak.com/en/harmful-effects-of-air-pollution-on-young-children-2/ https://puritrak.com/en/harmful-effects-of-air-pollution-on-young-children-2/#respond Thu, 07 Dec 2023 09:34:39 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=3023 Harmful effects of air pollution on young children
Harmful effects of air pollution on young children

The World Health Organization has announced a worrying statistic: every year, about 2 million children die from acute respiratory infections, and 60% of these are due to air pollution. This is truly a horrifying number, highlighting the detrimental effects of air pollution on young children are very harmful. This requires parents to devise timely solutions to protect their children’s health.

1. Why are children more susceptible to the effects of air pollution than adults?

Children are often more susceptible to air pollution than adults for the following reasons:

1.1. Weaker resistance

Children's resistance is often weaker than that of adults
Children’s resistance is often weaker than that of adults

Children’s immune systems are not fully developed, making them susceptible to infection and disease. Air pollution can reduce resistance, leading to a higher risk of disease compared to adults.

1.2. The respiratory system is developing

Children’s lungs are still developing, and they are more immature than adult lungs. This makes babies more vulnerable to exposure to  pollutants.

1.3. Lots of outdoor activities

Children often do a lot of outdoor activities
Children often do a lot of outdoor activities

Children often prefer to play and be active outdoors. This leaves children exposed to more polluted air, especially in urban areas with high pollution levels.

1.4. Not aware of self-protection of health

Children often lack the  knowledge and awareness to protect themselves from the health impacts of air pollution.Therefore, when exposed to sources of pollution, children do not realize how to prevent harmful agents from easily penetrating the body, causing dangerous diseases.

2. Harmful effects of air pollution on young children

Air pollution is a serious problem for children’s health. Below are some harmful effects of air pollution on children:

2.1. Impact on the respiratory system

Air pollution contains fine dust particles and toxic substances such as ozone, CO2, NO2, and PM2.5. Children often inhale larger amounts of air than adults in proportion to their body weight, and this makes them susceptible to lung damage, increasing the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia.

Effects of air pollution on the baby's respiratory system
Effects of air pollution on the baby’s respiratory system

2.2. The risk of asthma increases

Air pollution is one of the causes of increased risk of asthma in children. Toxic substances in the air can irritate and damage the respiratory tract.

2.3. Increased allergies

Air pollution increases the risk of allergic diseases
Air pollution increases the risk of allergic diseases

Air pollution can also increase children’s risk of developing allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and colds. Ozone gas and microscopic dust particles can irritate the respiratory tract and create favorable conditions for inflammatory diseases.

2.4. Reduced resistance

Air pollution can weaken children’s resistance, making them more susceptible to infection and illness. This is especially important in the current context of the spread of infectious diseases.

2.5. Psychological and learning impacts

Air pollution reduces academic performance
Air pollution reduces academic performance

Air pollution can affect children’s mood and ability to concentrate. Breathing polluted air can cause loss of peace of mind, cause mental pressure and reduce learning performance.

3. Solutions to reduce the harmful effects of air pollution on children

3.1. Use an Air Purifier

First and foremost, use a room air purifier to clean the air inside your home. Air purifiers have the ability to remove dust particles and toxic substances, helping to improve and protect the quality of children’s living environment.

Benefits of Airsen air purifiers in protecting children's health
Benefits of Airsen air purifiers in protecting children’s health

See more: Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

3.2. Air Quality Monitoring

Use Puritrak indoor air quality measuring device
Use Puritrak indoor air quality measuring device

Use air quality monitoring apps or devices to know when your surroundings become polluted. When air quality is poor, limit children’s exposure to outside air.

See more: Puritrak indoor air quality measuring device

3.3. Limit Outdoor Activities While Pollution Is High

On days of high air pollution, parents should limit the time children spend playing outdoors, especially in the morning or evening when pollution levels are often at their highest.

3.4. Use a Protective Mask

Health protection solutions for children
Health protection solutions for children

When children are exposed to polluted air, they should wear a respiratory protective mask to reduce the risk of inhaling toxic substances.

3.5. Use Clean Energy

Prioritize using clean energy and saving energy at home. This helps reduce emissions from traditional energy sources.

In modern urban life, protecting children’s health from air pollution is an important priority. Understanding the harmful effects of pollution and adopting protective measures can contribute to ensuring a healthy environment for the development of young children.

If you need further support and information related to the air filtration system, please contact us using the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

Contact Info:

Hotline: 0904.800.006
Website: puritrak.com
Email: Info@puritrak.vn
Fanpage: Puritrak

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Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes https://puritrak.com/en/air-pollution-increases-the-risk-of-diabetes/ https://puritrak.com/en/air-pollution-increases-the-risk-of-diabetes/#respond Thu, 07 Dec 2023 09:01:08 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=3018 Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes
Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

Surely many people think that diabetes and air pollution are not related. However, research by Chinese scientists has shown that air pollution increases the risk of diabetes. Let’s join Puritrak to find out the reason for that conclusion.

1. Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by blood sugar levels that are consistently higher than normal. This condition results from the body’s insufficient secretion of insulin, insulin resistance, or a combination of both, leading to significant disruptions in sugar, protein, fat, and mineral metabolism.

Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes
Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

People often attribute diabetes to a lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. However, besides these factors, Chinese scientists from Fuwai Hospital in Beijing and Emory University have conducted research suggesting that air pollution is also a contributing factor. The study, which involved data from 88,000 individuals across 15 Chinese provinces and cities exposed to fine dust particles (PM2.5) between 2004 and 2015, concluded that air pollution increases the risk of diabetes.

The research team adjusted for various factors including age, body mass index, smoking habits, family history of diabetes, and levels of work-related physical activity. However, the study did not directly consider dietary factors or other forms of pollution.

Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes
Air pollution increases the risk of diabetes

The study revealed that the risk of diabetes increased by 16% among individuals with prolonged exposure to 10µg/m3 of fine dust.

According to the World Health Organization, this disease is increasing rapidly in low- and middle-income countries. A study published by the US shows that China is the country with the highest number of people with diabetes in the world, with 11% of the country’s population having the disease in 2017.

According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of diabetes is rapidly rising in low- and middle-income countries. A study conducted in the US indicates that China has the highest number of diabetes cases globally, with 11% of its population affected by the disease in 2017.

2. Measures to reduce air pollution help reduce the risk of diabetes

2.1. Use an air purifier

Airsen air purifier helps improve air quality in the room, filtering fine dust up to 99.97%

This is the most effective solution to reduce indoor air pollution. The air purifier is capable of filtering out dust particles, bacteria, pollen, hair and fur up to 99.97%. Small particles that are invisible to the naked eye from 0.3 microns will be cleaned by the machine.

See more: Should I buy an air purifier for babies?

Besides, the air purifier also helps eliminate unwanted odors in the living space: cigarette smell, food smell and chemical smell. Helps the space become more comfortable and pleasant.

Currently, many air purifiers also have integrated dehumidification and dehumidification features to help regulate the humidity in the room to prevent the growth of mold, moisturize the skin, and hydrate the hair.

The effects of air purifiers on health help improve sleep and work productivity
The effects of air purifiers on health help improve sleep and work productivity

Another advantage that must be mentioned of air purifiers when used indoors is that they support gas exchange and improve blood circulation. This advantage is very beneficial for groups of people sensitive to air such as air. old people and children.

2.2. Improve indoor air circulation

Indoor air circulation plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and comfortable living space.

Open windows and doors to create natural air circulation in the house. Do this habit in the morning to let fresh and clean air in from outside.

Another way to circulate air in your home is to use ventilation fans to create air flow in your home. Place fans near windows or doors to aid air circulation.

2.3. Put green plants in the house

Place more potted green plants in the room to make the room fresher
Place more potted green plants in the room to make the room fresher

Placing plants indoors is not only a way to add fresh greenery to the room, but also an effective measure to clean the air and improve the quality of the living environment. Plants such as blade, hammock and lily have the ability to absorb pollutants from the air such as benzene from cigarette smoke, formaldehyde in carpets, bringing great benefits to health and mind. your status.

However, you should not put too many plants in the room, it will not be beneficial when night falls.

2.4. Limit the use of chemicals

Chemicals in household products such as paint, ink and detergent are sources of indoor air pollution. Try to reduce your use of products containing harmful chemicals and look for environmentally friendly products.

2.5. Maintain cleanliness

Clean the house regularly and regularly
Clean the house regularly and regularly

Regular cleaning is an effective way to reduce mold, bacteria and allergens. Cleaning surfaces, vacuuming periodically, and replacing bedding helps maintain fresh air.

2.6. Limit smoke

If you smoke or use a coal or oil-burning stove, do not start your car indoors, try to limit smoke and air pollution in the house. Use range hoods and ventilation fans to remove smoke and unpleasant odors from the room

See more: Puritrak Airsen AS488 air purifier

2.7. Use air conditioners and air conditioners

Using air conditioners and air conditioners helps keep the air in the room fresher
Using air conditioners and air conditioners helps keep the air in the room fresher

Although the main use of air conditioners and air conditioners is to cool the air in the room, these two devices still help clean the air in the house. Take advantage of them to bring clean air in the room.

2.8. Clean pets regularly

Clean your pet regularly to ensure that hair and odor do not pollute the air
Clean your pet regularly to ensure that hair and odor do not pollute the air

See more: Puritrak indoor air quality measuring device

Having a pet brings joy and empathy, but also requires special care to maintain clean air and protect the health of you and your family. Regularly cleaning your pet is an important part of maintaining a healthy living environment.

Regularly vacuum the floor and corners where pets frequent to ensure that pet hair does not fly and fall all over the room, affecting everyone’s breathing process.

Through scientists’ research, we can easily see that air pollution increases the risk of diabetes. Vietnam is one of the developing countries, so air pollution is increasing, maintaining clean indoor air quality is especially necessary. Use measures to ensure the health of family members.

If you need further support and information related to the air filtration system, please contact us using the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

Contact Info:

Hotline: 0904.800.006
Website: puritrak.com
Email: Info@puritrak.vn
Fanpage: Puritrak

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What is Air Pollution? What causes air pollution? https://puritrak.com/en/what-is-air-pollution-what-causes-air-pollution/ https://puritrak.com/en/what-is-air-pollution-what-causes-air-pollution/#respond Thu, 07 Dec 2023 08:24:30 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=3013 What is Air Pollution?
What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution” is a ubiquitous term in Vietnam, commonly encountered in various media outlets and everyday conversations among family and colleagues. Particularly in Hanoi, from the start of 2023 until now, there have been instances where air pollution levels have soared to rank among the top 10 most polluted cities globally. Join Puritrak to explore the intricacies of air pollution, including its causes and effects.

1. What is air pollution?

Air pollution is a condition when the air in the natural environment or in urban areas is contaminated with harmful substances, impurities, and emissions from human activities and natural processes. These pollutants include dust particles, toxic gases, chemical compounds, and other agents that can make the air unhealthy and can harm human health and the environment.

See more: Air pollution factors associated with mental disorders in children

2. What causes air pollution?

To better understand air pollution, we need to know what causes air pollution so that we can take measures to prevent and protect the surrounding air environment.

The causes of air pollution are varied and encompass a range of human activities and natural phenomena. Below are some primary contributors to air pollution:

Vehicle Emissions: Cars, airplanes, ships, and other modes of transportation emit pollutants such as CO2, NOx, SO2, and volatile organic compounds. These emissions are significant contributors to air pollution.

The cause of air pollution is from traffic emissions
The cause of air pollution is from traffic emissions

Industrial activities: Manufacturing plants and factories release exhaust gases, dust particles, and other chemical compounds that pollute the air. Industries such as steel production, chemicals, and waste treatment are especially serious air polluters.

Fossil fuel use: Using coal, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels in energy production, heating, and cooking processes releases emissions and polluting compounds. pollution – this is also the cause of environmental pollution.

The cause of air pollution is the use of fossil fuels
The cause of air pollution is the use of fossil fuels

Waste treatment: If waste is not treated properly, such as burning waste or burying it improperly, it will produce toxic emissions and toxic gases that pollute the air.

Agricultural production: Use of fertilizers, veterinary pharmaceuticals, and forest fires can cause emissions of NH3 (ammonia), CH4 (methane), and other substances. These compounds, when produced, will have negative effects on the environment.

The cause of air pollution is from agricultural activities
The cause of air pollution is from agricultural activities

Production and use of chemical products: The production, use, and disposal of chemical products in the home, such as room sprays and cleaning agents, can create harmful emissions that are also a cause of harm. The cause is air pollution.

Burning forests: Burning forests or natural forest fires can release CO2 and toxic gases, which is the reason for air pollution.

The cause of air pollution is from forest burning
The cause of air pollution is from forest burning

Daily living activities: Indoor activities such as cooking and using tobacco are also causes of air pollution.

Natural processes: Certain natural events such as sandstorms, volcanic activity, and climate change can create impurities and emissions that pollute the air.

3. What are the effects of air pollution on human health?

Air pollution has many significant effects on human health. Here are some of the main effects of air pollution on health:

Lung disease and respiratory problems: Exhaust fumes from vehicles and industrial sources often contain toxic gases such as NO2 and SO2. These substances can irritate the airways, cause respiratory infections, pneumonia, and increase the risk of lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Effects of air pollution on health including respiratory diseases
Effects of air pollution on health including respiratory diseases

Allergies and skin problems: Air pollution can increase allergy symptoms such as eye infections, nasal swelling, itching, and nasal congestion. It can also cause skin irritation and increase the risk of skin conditions such as eczema.

Cardiovascular disease: Fine dust particles in polluted air can enter the circulatory system, causing inflammation and cardiovascular problems. Air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

The effects of air pollution on health cause cardiovascular diseases
The effects of air pollution on health cause cardiovascular diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases: Dust particles and chemical compounds can be swallowed into the stomach and intestines, causing digestive problems and facilitating gastrointestinal diseases.

See more: The placenta is seriously affected by air pollution

Impact on children: Children and fetuses are the groups most susceptible to air pollution. Pollution can cause pneumonia in children, causing damage to the development of their lungs and respiratory system, as well as affecting physiological and psychological development.

Effects of air pollution on health, especially children
Effects of air pollution on health, especially children

Increased risk of premature death: Air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of premature death in the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

Psychological problems and mental health: A polluted environment can cause stress and have a negative impact on people’s mental health, contributing to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

Effects of air pollution on psychology and mental health
Effects of air pollution on psychology and mental health

4. Solutions to improve indoor air quality

Improving indoor air quality is an important way to protect your health and create a healthier living environment. Here are some solutions to improve indoor air quality:

Using an air purifier: this is the most effective solution to improve air quality. Air purifiers have the ability to remove dust particles and polluting impurities from the air and provide necessary humidity. This helps prevent dryness of the skin, eyes and throat, especially in dry environments.

Air purifiers help clean the air and improve quality of life
Air purifiers help clean the air and improve quality of life

Limit the use of chemical products: Using chemical products in the home such as room sprays and detergents can create compounds that pollute the air. Limit their use and replace them with natural or unscented products.

See more: Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

Use green plants: Indoor plants have the ability to absorb impurities and produce oxygen. Plants such as Sansevieria trifasciata is a good examples. Make sure you care for your plants properly to maintain their effectiveness..

Plant more plants in the room to clean the air
Plant more plants in the room to clean the air

Use clean fuel: If possible, use clean and efficient fuel for cooking and heating. This helps reduce harmful emissions and impurities.

Ventilate regularly: Make sure windows and doors are ventilated regularly to bring fresh air into the room and remove polluted air.

Ventilate regularly to improve air circulation
Ventilate regularly to improve air circulation

Eliminate sources of contamination: Identify and remove potential sources of contamination in the room such as asbestos, toxic work environments, or old air filtration systems.

Use an air filtration system: For large rooms or locations with severe air pollution, it may be necessary to use a special air filtration system to remove impurities and harmful emissions.

Assess air quality: Use an air quality measuring device to assess pollution levels and track improvements.

Use an air quality measuring device to measure indoor air quality
Use an air quality measuring device to measure indoor air quality

Above is all the information related to air pollution. Hopefully the above information will help you in the process of improving the air quality in your room.

If you need further support and information related to the air filtration system, please contact us using the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

Contact Info:

Hotline: 0904.800.006
Website: puritrak.com
Email: Info@puritrak.vn
Fanpage: Puritrak


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Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye https://puritrak.com/en/simple-tips-to-identify-air-pollution-with-the-naked-eye/ https://puritrak.com/en/simple-tips-to-identify-air-pollution-with-the-naked-eye/#respond Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:08:53 +0000 https://puritrakcom.isoinaction.com/?p=2963
Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye
Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

The phrase “air pollution” is no longer strange to us. People often perceive it as ‘invisible,’ making it challenging to recognize. However, we are not always helpless before this problem. Below, Puritrak will show you some simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye for you. Be aware and take preventative measures to protect the health of you and your loved ones.

1. Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

1.1. When it’s cloudy

Hanoi's air is seriously polluted
Hanoi’s air is seriously polluted

This is the simplest and easiest way to recognize signs of polluted air. During heavy air pollution, the AQI index increases, causing the air to become hazy and the weather to turn cloudy. At that time, it will be very difficult for you to see clearly in the distance, your vision will be obstructed by the fine dust hanging in the air.

Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye
Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

As shown in the photo above, when the air is less polluted, you can easily see the VNPT sign behind Turtle Tower. However, on days when Hanoi’s air is seriously polluted, it is difficult to see the words VNPt behind.

1.2. Unpleasant smell

Another tip to recognize air pollution is the smell: an unpleasant smell or a gas that is difficult to breathe. This odor can come from sources such as cigarette smoke, toxic gases, or fine dust particles.

1.3. Marks on the surface

Marks on the surface
Marks on the surface

Air pollution can cause surfaces to become dirty quickly. People can look for traces of dirt or substances on indoor or outdoor items to identify signs of pollution.

1.4. The size of dust particles is large

During severe air pollution, you may observe large dust particles rising in the air or settling on surfaces.

1.5. Resistance decreases

Simple tip to identify air pollution with the naked eye: reduced resistance
Simple tip to identify air pollution with the naked eye: reduced resistance

If you feel tired, have difficulty breathing, or have other health symptoms when exposed to air in a particular environment, it could also be a sign of air pollution.

2. Effective measures to clean indoor air

It is difficult for us to control outdoor air quality, but controlling indoor air quality is possible. Let Puritrak introduce you to effective methods for cleaning indoor air.

2.1. Use an air purifier

Air purifiers help improve air quality
Air purifiers help improve air quality

This is the most effective solution to clean indoor air. The air purifier is capable of filtering out dust particles, pollen, hair and fur up to 99.97%. Besides, the air purifier also helps kill bacteria and eliminate unwanted odors in the living space. Helps the space become more comfortable and pleasant.

See more: Puritrak Airsen AS800 air purifier

2.2. Improve indoor air circulation

Indoor air circulation plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and comfortable living space.

Open windows and doors to create natural air circulation in the house. Make it a habit to open windows and doors in the morning to allow fresh and clean air to flow in from outside.

2.3. Place plants indoors

Clean indoor air with plants
Clean indoor air with plants

Trees have the ability to absorb pollutants and create a green living space and beautify the room.

However, avoid placing too many plants in the room, as it may not be beneficial when night falls.

2.4. Limit the use of chemicals

Chemicals in household products such as paint, ink and detergent are sources of indoor air pollution. Try to reduce your use of products containing harmful chemicals and look for environmentally friendly products.

2.5. Maintain cleanliness

Clean the house regularly and regularly
Clean the house regularly and regularly

Regular cleaning is an effective way to reduce mold, bacteria and allergens. Cleaning surfaces, vacuuming periodically, and replacing bedding helps maintain fresh air.

2.6. Use air conditioners and air conditioners

Although the primary purpose of air conditioners is to cool the air in the room, they can still contribute to cleaning the air in the house and maintaining comfort.

2.7. Limit smoke

Limit smoke from cigarettes or coal-burning stoves, and use a range hood to remove smoke and unpleasant odors.

2.8. Clean pets regularly

Clean pets regularly
Clean pets regularly

Regularly vacuum the floor and corners where pets frequent to ensure that pet hair does not fly and fall all over the room, affecting everyone’s breathing process.

See more: Puritrak Airsen AS488 air purifier

So above are some simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye. However, I realize that at this time the air quality is also at an alarming level, so to ensure safety, everyone should buy specialized air quality sensors or air purifiers for their families. There is a built-in sensor to detect air pollution promptly. Hope the information above is useful to everyone.

If you need further assistance with information related to the air filtration system, please contact the information below to have Puritrak’s experienced technical department advise you on the right product for you. Thank you for reading the article!

Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood
Airsen AS800 air purifier has a built-in Ion generator to help circulate blood

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