What is Air Pollution? What causes air pollution?

What is Air Pollution?

“Air pollution” is a ubiquitous term in Vietnam, commonly encountered in various media outlets and everyday conversations among family and colleagues. Particularly in Hanoi, from the start of 2023 until now, there have been instances where air pollution levels have soared to rank among the top 10 most polluted cities globally. Join Puritrak to explore […]

Air purifier for the elderly: Why is it necessary?

Air purifier for the elderly: Why is it necessary?

Today, air pollution has become one of the common problems of global society, affecting the health of everyone, especially the elderly. With weaker immune systems, the elderly are facing serious impacts from air pollution, affecting their quality of life and overall health. 1. Effects of air pollution on the elderly 1.1. Breathing problems Elderly people […]

Should I buy an air purifier for babies?

Should I buy an air purifier for babies?

The health of newborns is always the top priority and demands absolute safety. However, the reality is that environmental pollution is increasing, posing a big challenge for parents in protecting their babies’ health. One of the solutions worth considering is whether to buy an air purifier for babies? Let’s explore with Puritrak and find out […]

Air pollution factors associated with mental disorders in children

Air pollution factors associated with mental disorders in children

Many people think that air pollution only affects the respiratory system, but that’s not true. Air pollution is also one of the causes of mental disorders in children. 1. Air pollution factors related to mental disorders in children Research published in the journal “Environmental Health Perspectives” says short-term exposure to high levels of air pollution […]

Are air purifiers really effective? Should I buy a device for my family?

Increased humidity helps increase the feeling of warmth

Air quality in our living spaces is becoming an increasingly important issue. Air pollution is on the rise and shows no signs of abating. Air purifiers have become an effective solution that people trust and use. However, for those new to air purifiers, people are still wondering: Are air purifiers really effective and should you […]

Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

Simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye

The phrase “air pollution” is no longer strange to us. People often perceive it as ‘invisible,’ making it challenging to recognize. However, we are not always helpless before this problem. Below, Puritrak will show you some simple tips to identify air pollution with the naked eye for you. Be aware and take preventative measures to […]
